LIFE@Work Ministry among Christian Business Owners & CEOs  
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About Us

Vision: To see thousands of business owners and CEOs authentically live the life of Jesus Christ.

Core Value: The Indwelling Life of Christ

Rick Miller, President:
Rick Miller has been coaching and discipling business owners and CEOs for over 20 years. It has been his passion to see people especially businessmen grow in their relationship with God.  He has been used as an agent of transformation of many lives and families.  He is especially gifted to ask powerful questions, listen at a heart level, and pick up on the often subtle movements of God.  He has introduced many to Jesus and helped them begin their life’s journey with Him.  Rick is a national speaker presenting the Gospel in professional business settings.  He teaches at conferences and leads church retreats.

Rick is President of LIFE@Work, a ministry among Christian business owners and CEOs who are seeking deeper intimacy with God and greater impact in their businesses and on their world..  Working together in covenantal teams of peers, and individually in life-on-life coaching relationships they press hard into the abundant life of Christ.

Rick is President and Co-Owner with his wife Nancy of Bucks County Furniture, Ltd.  They manufacture antique reproduction furniture and sell through retail stores nationally.  They also manufacture and sell custom kitchens, bath vanities, and built-ins in the mid-Atlantic region..  

  • Owner 1991 to present – Bucks County Furniture, Ltd.
  • National Forums Director of CBMC Forums for three years
  • Certified Coach Trainer for CBMC
  • Certified Trainer in Building Powerful Ministry Teams for CBMC
  • Courses toward M. Div;  Biblical Seminary, Hatfield, PA
  • B.S. in Business Administration, Quantitative Business Analysis          
  • Penn State University, State College, PA

Rick and his wife, Nancy, live in historic Bucks County, Penna. They have two married daughters and enjoy their two grandchildren immensely.  Travel in their motor home and enjoying the great outdoors are favorite pastimes.

Life Verse Matt 6:33:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Life Purpose Statement:

To be a man after God's own heart in every area of life.


Defining our terms:

What do you mean to “live the LIFE” of Jesus Christ?
This is the driving passion of LIFE@Work.  In fact it’s all about Jesus’ LIFE at WORK in us.  Consider the following verses and statements:

  • “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20 NIV
  • “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Col 1:27 NIV
  • “That my LIFE is on display in them.” John 17:10 MSG
  • “that I Myself might be in them.” John 17:26 NIV
  • “Jesus came to give His life for us,
    so that He could give His life to us,
    so that He could live His life through us.” Ken Boa.
  • “Living Grace – Letting Jesus be Jesus in you.”  Wayne Barber
  • “Remember: I can’t – God never said I could. He can – and He always said He would.” Maj. Ian Thomas
  • We hear: “Jesus with skin on,”  “The hands and feet of Christ,”  “The body of Christ.”
  • Lastly Paul offers us a pop quiz at the end of 2 Corinthians:
    • “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” 2Cor 13:5 NIV

All the above point to the wonderful theological doctrine of Union with Christ – me in Jesus and Jesus in me - Unio Mystica.  So we are pressing into the truth that Jesus did not come to improve our lives but to exchange them - on the Cross - His for ours.  So we are seeking to say with Paul - and say it authentically – “For me to live is Christ!”  Phil 1:21 NIV

What do you mean “to practice the way?”
This is where the “rubber hits the road,” where the reality of Jesus’ kingdom is demonstrated as a most blessed way of life for us and those around us.  We want to know and live experientially His rhythms and way of life.

Why do you have the phrase “as presented in the Bible?”
The Bible - God’s Written Word – when applied by the Holy Spirit produces the Living Word – Jesus Christ.  We want to stay grounded to the Scriptures as a primary source to understanding the LIFE and Way of Jesus Christ.  Warren Wiersbe writes, “When the child of God looks into the Word of God and sees the Son of God, he or she is transformed by the Spirit of God in to the image of God for the glory of God.”

Why do you have only one core value and what do you mean by it?
We believe that if we stay focused on Jesus and His indwelling LIFE that He will lead us in all the ways and purposes He has for us.  Also, if there is more than one core value they compete with each other.  In Rom 10:17 Paul writes, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.”  We believe as He lives His LIFE in us it is indeed His words to which the lost respond.  In discipleship living in community with other Christians, we get to “Be Jesus to Jesus,” or as the Psalmist writes, “deep calls to deep,” (Psa 42) the Christ in me calling out to the Christ in you.

What do you mean to “authentically live the LIFE of Jesus Christ?” 
We are striving to not just imitate Jesus as a great example, but to incarnate Him.  That all our thoughts, words and actions flow out of us living surrendered to His Lordship and out of an abiding intimate love relationship with Him.  We dare to believe that it is Jesus’ LIFE that he talks about in John: “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  John 10:10 MSG.  This “abundant life” as other translations describe, is Jesus’ eternal LIFE given for, to, and ultimately through us!

What do you mean by “real life, real time?”
In computers or advanced systems they use real time as a phrase to describe the testing or launch of a new program.  Another phrase is, “we are going live now.”
We want to leverage the real life situations that we find ourselves in and walk through them with Jesus showing us the way.  In the Great Commission of Matt 28, Jesus says, “Go and make disciples…” Many interpret this,  “as you go, make disciples.”  By gathering in covenant teams we can try to unpack and understand what God is doing so we can cooperate and experience Him.  So all of life and business is lived Coram Deo – before the face of God – real life, real time.

What do you mean by covenant teams?
God is the first and only promise maker and promise keeper.  He made covenants with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  And He prophesied about a New Covenant that he would make in Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36.  Jesus spoke of this New Covenant at the Last Supper, “a New Covenant sealed in my blood.” Dwight Edwards fleshes this out as a new purity, a new identity, a new heart, and a new power. These are all a part of the Christ LIFE. 

Using three covenants as a part of LIFE@Work creates an environment that is highly strategic in accomplishing our purpose. 

We make promises to one another and before God of:

  1. Confidentiality – anything said at the meeting does not get passed on to anyone outside of the meeting.  This allows us to be transparent and real with each other.
  2. Participation – we are promising that the dates set to gather are of very high priority.  Similar to a corporate board meeting, they are set and we don’t miss them.
  3. Financial – “where your treasure is there your heart will be also.”  Matt 6  Member donations are the primary funding source for this ministry.  We take a New Testament view on giving, that it should be voluntary and proportional.

These three LIFE@Work covenants are essential to create the environment for us to take hold of the New Covenant that Jesus secured for us.

What do you mean by the three disciplines of coaching, discipling, and mentoring?
Coaching is a relationship that has structure and purpose.  The person being coached sets the topic to be discussed.  The coach does several key things:

  1. He takes a posture and mindset similar to God.  He is totally for the person being coached.
  2. He listens and asks powerful questions.
  3. He listens more; he has one ear turned toward God and the other ear turned to the man being coached.
  4. He asks more powerful questions.
  5. Success happens when in the split seconds of thinking, the man hears or thinks a thought that he knows is beyond himself, and by faith, takes it as from God.
  6. Lastly the coach offers accountability to specific action steps that would produce obedience.

Discipleship is where the LIFE coach would offer scripture or biblical principles that may be helpful to the given topic.

Mentoring is where if the first two disciplines do not produce solutions from the member, then the coach would ask permission to share out of the coaches own LIFE experiences.

All the above is a means to the end of hearing or sensing what God is directing the member to do in the given situation or topic; and then doing it.

What is your understanding of discipleship?
A disciple of Jesus is hearing what He is saying, and then obeying it.  We agree with Dallas Willard’s description that we are more pursuing being apprentices of Jesus, learning from Him how to do LIFE in the kingdom of God as business owners and CEOs.

What do you mean by obedience?
Dwight Edwards give an excellent perspective:
“God looks at obedience as if through tri-focal glasses.” God is concerned with the what, the why, and the how. It’s not enough to simply do what God commands. We must also have the right motivation and that is for His Glory and His Name. We must also do it by the power of Christ living in us. This tri-focal view puts us in desperate dependence upon Jesus. Dietrich Bonheoffer says, “Only those who believe obey, and only those who obey believe.”