LIFE@Work Ministry among Christian Business Owners & CEOs  
Member Resources



Please explain more about  your Vision, Mission, Core Value?

What is a monthly meeting like?

It is made up of five components:

    1. There is a meal
    2. There is a devotional
    3. There is a Round-Table where each member brings a smaller issue
      that can be described in 2-3 minutes and then discussed for 10-15 minutes
    4. Each month a different member has a turn to bring a host issue. 
      The team invests 1 1/2 to 2 hours discussing and bringing ideas.
      At the end of that time the host pauses to think what action steps he believes
      God is asking him to take.
    5. Prayer is woven all through the meeting.

What kind of issues get talked about?

Here are some actual issues worked on:

  • I find our company in a perfect storm situation, The Economy, shrinking labor pool and the increased debt caused by the my unreasonable brother and his demands.  The economy has forced us to reduce the size of our workforce due to fewer orders. This resulted in a substantial increase in productivity but our current level of sales is way below breakeven.  With fewer orders and a substantial increase in productivity the main issue becomes Overhead Costs. 
    The Help I Want From My LIFE@Work Team Is:
    • My company needs to simultaneously increase sales, capacity and reduce costs.
    • I have put together a Cost reduction matrix that will achieve my goal of $14,000/month
    • I would like the LIFE@Work team to review my recommendations and verify my assumptions
    • And I would like them to look for and suggest other potential areas of savings.
  • Over the past few years, because of lack of planning, I have allowed other people (and things) to set my priorities and schedule. After praying for wisdom and seeking Gods will for my life, I am feeling called to firstly, re-evaluate my relationships (with God, family and others), re-evaluate my health (weight/exercise goals) and re-evaluate my schedule, and secondly, set new goals in these areas and prioritize my schedule accordingly.
  • Since my Dad’s health has declined I’ve taken on more and more responsibility. I have more people reporting directly to me. We have very flat organizational structure, so I end up being blockage for progress.  How do I get an organizational structure in place that allows our company to flourish moving forward? 
  • I want to motivate everyone in the company to work together and be rewarded for their good performance. Sales staff are (supposed to be) paid straight commission based on the actual gross profit of each individual project. We need to figure out a way to have some ‘skin in the game’ for the rest of the team – Project Developer/Estimator, Designer, Project Manager.  I want to create a culture where everyone is empowered – cut loose to run, as in the book ‘Gung Ho’
    The help I want from my LIFE@Work Team is:
    • Does this sound like a good idea?
    • Ask questions that we may not be thinking of.
    • Helpful input from experience and ideas about how to develop and implement a rewards for performance system.
    • How to go about introducing this to our team.

  • I have spent most of my life with too much on my plate, and I believe that it could improve.  However I have not been able to create a balance in my life that allows time for God, family and work. What are you doing that helps, and how can I correct some of my direction?
  • Get a handle on the stress.  How do we live at peace in the midst of the trials that either we get ourselves into or that God designs for us.  Debt is a fear factor.   When we made decisions to take loans; was I making a presumption that God would continue to provide income sufficient for the payments?  Where do you draw the line on this kind of thinking?  Lately I’ve been thinking about God’s commands vs His principles and how in the past I have thought that it was ok to dance around with his principles as long as I did not void the line on His commands.  I now know this is “stinking thinking”


  • I want to become more like Christ at work.  How do I have greater sexual purity personally and corporately?
  • As I get closer to 65, I’m now reflecting more on the future and asking:  How much cash do I need?  
    How much should I keep?  How much should I give?
  • I have a responsibility as steward of my company to provide a valuable service to my customers, while taking care of my employees, business partners and vendors, at the same time, providing for my family.  Our company is built on a foundation of good people.  Some of these people were not performing up to expectations in a particular area (Quality or customer interaction, for example) and, after discussion of their issues and coaching (for months) I let them go.  In my old world, this was black and white.  Now, I wonder if these actions are in line with my stewardship responsibility of this business. What is Stewardship?
  • Over the years I’ve been able to create a management team that has taken over the day-to-day operations of the company, leaving me in the position where I often feel I’m not needed to run the company. So I’m trying to figure out what else God has for me to do in the next stage of my life.
  • How do I know what God wants me to do?   How do I switch radio stations from WIIFM to WIIFG? 
    How do I get to that place where I am not always first thinking about what’s in it for me?
    How can I be more consistent in my time with God?
    What is going to stop me from boiling over at home?
    How do I break out of these bad habits?