LIFE@Work Ministry among Christian Business Owners & CEOs  
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“I have found that the LIFE@Work experience has been exciting for me, since I am now exposed to other Christian businessmen who are committed to operating their companies according to biblical principals.  Even more importantly, the guys in my team are committed to living their personal and business lives in synch, living a seamless life, with the teachings of the LORD as their foundation.  Having Rick hold us accountable and focused is a blessing.”  WS

“I have been part of a LIFE@Work team for over 2 years and Rick Miller truly understands the importance of the impact we can have as “ministers” on the job.  Much of the impact of integrating my Christian principles into our company is a result of Rick’s wisdom and teaching.”  JW

“Rick’s gifts of leadership, encouragement, and teaching shine in all of our sessions.  I sense the vision of LIFE@Work, Inc will expect participants to grow in faith and works, possibly a notch higher than what we are experiencing at the present.”  JL

“I would not be the business man, father, husband or child of God that I am today with out my LIFE@Work team and their challenge, support and prayers.  My LIFE@Work team has walked with me through some of life's largest decisions. They gave me perspective, support and motivation to become who God is calling me to become.”  MS

I have known Rick Miller for over ten years and I am very grateful for the Biblical insight and council he has given me over those very difficult years. His commitment to using Scripture to help coach men through difficult problems but always dealing with the whole man is truly a gift. The LIFE@Work peer teams simply enhances the process by adding brotherly perspective and fellowship. I encourage everyone to at least look into this life changing opportunity. SL